Version 6.2 |
Version 6.0 Revision History
Cluster upgrade note: for rolling upgrades, your Cluster must be upgraded to the 5.4.9 or better version before upgrading to any 6.0 version.
6.0.11 10-Dec-2014
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Dec-2011.
- TLS: the server-side SSLv3 protocol is disabled by default.
- WebMail/Pronto: HTML links pointing to anchors in the same E-mail body part are supported now.
- Bug Fix: MEDIA: 5.1: if the codec sample rate was different from the internal buffer rate, recording was started with a delay.
- Bug Fix: MAILBOX: 5.0: message replacing did not check for 2GB size limit in Text-type mailboxes
- Bug Fix: SMTP: 5.4: outgoing SMTP connections for messages without a "source domain" assigned could be initiated from non-default IP addresses.
6.0.10 08-Oct-2014
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Dec-2011.
- MAPI: the MAPI Connector version is included.
- Pronto: Pronto! Version 6.0.10 and Pronto Lite 2.3 are included.
- WebUser: the default name for the ShiftJIS encoding is changed from "Shift-JIS" to "Shift_JIS".
- Bug Fix: XIMSS: 6.0.2: attended call transfers were not handled.
- Bug Fix: XIMSS: 6.0c1: the server might crash on the SMIMESet command used in incorrect context.
- Bug Fix: LDAP: the searches under the special dc=cgprouter subtree did not return all valid results.
- Bug Fix: vCard: parsing bogus data might crash the server.
- Bug Fix: SIP: 5.3: some remote Contact URIs might be incorrectly treated as local, causing SIP dialog setup errors.
- Bug Fix: CGPL: 5.2: ToLowerCase()/ToUpperCase() methods processed only the first symbol in the parameter string.
- Bug Fix: MailboxBSD: 5.4: under heavy load, a mailbox could be parsed multiple times, causing index deletion.
6.0.9 31-Mar-2014
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Dec-2011.
- Pronto: Pronto! Version 6.0.9 and Pronto Lite 2.2 are included.
- XIMSS: The "Keep time in Trash" preference is used now to preserve timestamps of items moved to Trash folder
- Bug Fix: XIMSS: 6.0c1: the server might crash on the SMIMESet command with incorrect parameters.
- Bug Fix: CALENDAR: 5.4: the FreeBusy data might be calculated incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: TLS: 6.0.2: the "Request Certificate" option could break TLS 1.2 negotiations.
- Bug Fix: GSSAPI: 5.3: SMTP/POP/IMAP/LDAP GSSAPI/Kerberos authentication could fail.
- Bug Fix: Airsync: 5.4.7: server could fail to read message IDs in requests.
- Bug Fix: CGPL: 5.4: non-printable characters might be converted to JSON incorectly.
- Bug Fix: KERNEL: 4.3: NTLM hashes might be calculated incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: TLS: 6.0: outgoung connections might fail to negotiate TLS parameters.
6.0.8 27-Dec-2013
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Dec-2011.
- MAPI: the MAPI Connector version is included.
- Pronto: Pronto! Version 6.0.8 and Pronto Lite 2.1 are included.
- FileDAV: reading (GET/HEAD) the Account root directory returns an empty file instead of the 404 error (CyberDuck client compatibility).
- TLS: ciphers offered for outgoing connections have been reordered.
- TLS: the CA chain sent with the server certificate is processed now.
- CLI: the GETDNRSETTINGS, SETDNRSETTINGS commands are implemented.
- Kernel: additional filtering of composed XML data is implemented.
- XIMSS: the contactFind "fuzzy" search is imporved, the returned data message attributes are extended.
- Triggers: sent IMs are pre-authorized using the postmaster Account.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 6.0.c2: "flagged" message flag was reported in pre-12.0 protocols, causing problems for old AirSync clients.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: 5.3c2: the SPF check procedure did not verify AAAA records of an MX if an A-record lookup was successful.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: 6.0c3: the reverse-connect procedure checked the highest MX relay only.
- Bug Fix: PBX: 5.2: the auto-attendant script would stop on unexpected INFO events.
- Bug Fix: WebMail: 6.0.7: the folder tree of a single INBOX might appear empty in Simplex and derived skins.
- Bug Fix: DAV: 6.0c1: the server could crash while searching the Directory.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: 6.0c1: synchronization did not work in Cluster (virtual) mailboxes.
- Bug Fix: MAILBOX: 6.0c1: when a Sliced-type mailbox was deleted, its size was calculated incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: MEDIAPROXY: 6.0c1: proxy for "udptl" media streams were not built.
- Bug Fix: TLS: 5.4c1: secure re-negotiation could fail.
6.0.7 10-Sep-2013
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Dec-2011.
- Pronto: Pronto! Version 6.0.7 is included.
- MediaServer: the "mixMOH" option is implemented.
- MediaServer: the "icePassword" data is randomized now.
- MediaProxy: the "icePassword" data is randomized now.
- AIRSYNC: attachments in multipart/signed messages were not reported to clients.
- Bug Fix: KERNEL: 5.2: ISO-2022-KR encoding could work incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: WebMail: Mailboxes might be sorted incorrectly in Simplex and derived skins.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: when a new server was added, it did not correctly process already suspended domains.
6.0.6 16-Aug-2013
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Dec-2011.
- MAPI: the MAPI Connector version is included.
- Pronto: Pronto! Version 6.0.6 is included.
- WebMail: "style"-data filtering has been improved.
- CalDAV: Task-type mailbox creation and retrieval is supported now.
- CalDAV: mailbox deletion is implemented.
- CardDAV: mailbox deletion is implemented.
- HTTP: RFC6585 is implemented.
- MAILBOX: the "delete folder only" operation is implemented.
- Bug Fix: SIP: 5.0.4: IPv6 URI processing could fail.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: 6.0.1: after a failover the new active controller could not immediately assign a new backup controller.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 6.0.2: voice mail attachments might be not reported to mobile devices.
- Bug Fix: CLI: 5.4: setting values with SETSTATELEMENT command did not work.
- Bug Fix: CALDAV: 6.0c1: support for old Apple CalDAV clients was broken.
- Bug Fix: KERNEL: 6.0c1: some Japanese characters were encoded incorrectly.
6.0.5 08-May-2013
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Dec-2011.
- MAPI: the MAPI Connector version is included.
- Pronto: Pronto! Version 6.0.5 is included.
- AIRSYNC: application/vnd.ms-sync.multipart responses are implemented.
- AIRSYNC: now "oldest items" sync limitations are applied to contents of calendaring items, not to the item timestamps.
- CLUSTER: simplified nonce processing for static clusters is implemented.
- CLUSTER: domain-level updates are delivered using size-limited chunks now.
- Kernel: the Mailer-Daemon messages use the sender domain name wherever possible.
- Bug Fix: Kernel: 6.0.2: RFC2231-encoded multi-part parameters were processed incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: XMPP: 6.0c2: sending packets to "XMPP components" could crash the server.
- Bug Fix: POP: 6.0.1: the POP Login Limit error was not reported in Cluster environments.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: 6.0c2: array-type Contact fields were updated incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: 6.0c1: some static cluster operations worked incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: HTTP: 5.2: "chunked"-requests were proxied incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: PBXApp: 5.3: call termination during an "audio recording" operation could cause server crashing.
6.0.4 28-Mar-2013
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Dec-2011.
- CLI: the GETLOGSETTINGS, UPDATELOGSETTINGS commands are implemented.
- ACCOUNT: OS-prohibited ASCII symbols in file names are encoded now.
- QUEUERULES: the Accept Reply action is implemented.
- Bug Fix: ACCOUNT: 6.0.2: account password restrictions were checked incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: Skins: 6.0.3: language file processing was broken.
- Bug Fix: Kernel: 6.0.2: RFC2231-encoded parameters could be decoded twice.
6.0.3 26-Mar-2013
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Dec-2011.
- Pronto: Pronto! Version 6.0.3 is included.
- CalDAV: calendar delegation is implemented.
- SMTP: the Default IPv6 Source Address setting is implemented.
- RPOP: the Default IPv6 Source Address setting is implemented.
- XMPP: the Default IPv6 Source Address setting is implemented.
- HTTP: RFC5785 is implemented.
- AIRSYNC: html-embedded objects from "related" MIME parts are reported to clients now.
- WebDAV: the "principal" data processing is improved.
- WebDAV: the "expand-property" REPORTs are implemented.
- Bug Fix: XMPP: 6.0.2: if the peer closed connection during a sender validation procedure, the server could crash.
- Bug Fix: AirSync: 6.0c2: if an account contained "non-syncable" mailboxes, some syncable mailboxes disappeared from device view, too.
- Bug Fix: Mailbox: 6.0c1: when many items were deleted at once, some items might remain in the mailbox.
6.0.2 06-Mar-2013
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Dec-2011.
- TLS: TLS v1.2 (RFC5246) is implemented.
- TLS: Maximum Fragment Length Negotiation extension (RFC4366) is implemented.
- CLI: the SETACCOUNTPASSWORD command checks the password size and complexity restrictions only if the CHECK keyword is used.
- MediaProxy: the ICE protocol is supported now.
- MediaProxy: STUN packet processing is implemented.
- MediaServer: the ICE protocol is supported now.
- MediaServer: STUN packet processing is implemented.
- PBXApp: the new MediaOption function replaces the MediaChannelOption function.
- PBXApp: the SignalOption function is implemented.
- PBXApp: the ProvisionCallEx function is renamed back into ProvisionCall.
- PBXApp: the SetForeignCredentials, DisconnectEx, SetReferMode, SetTransferReportMode, SetBridgeBreakMode, SetBridgedProvision procedures are deprecated.
- PBXApp: media encryption is enabled by default.
- NETWORK: the predefined LAN IP addresses now include only the networks in the 10/8, 172.16/12, 192.168/16 ranges.
- XMPP: multiple validated domains per incoming connection are supported now.
- Kernel: HTTP, SIP "Server" header fields are customizable now.
- Kernel: RFC2231 processing has been improved.
- CLUSTER: the Balancer Weight option is implemented.
- Foundation: raw Unicode strings in certificate names are supported now.
- WebAdmin: the startup options are displayed on the Settings->General->Info page.
- AIRSYNC: message bodies are retrieved in the original HTML format for 12.0 and newer clients.
- AIRSYNC: support for Windows Phone 8 has been implemented.
- XIMSS: callConnected, callDisconnected, callProvisioned, callIncoming messages now contain the callId attribute.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 6.0c2: modification waiting operations (PING, SYNC) were interrupted by unrelated SYNC operations.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 6.0c2: a mailbox tree with new mailboxes in foreign accounts could be synchronized incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: QUEUERULES: 6.0.1: messages created with "Redirected" Rule did not get the "trusted source" flag and could fail.
- Bug Fix: MediaServer: 6.0c1: the Secure RTP AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 suite incorrectly processed SRTCP packets.
- Bug Fix: DIRECTORY: 6.0c1: the Remote Unit could open LDAP connections using the intra-cluster IP address.
- Bug Fix: PIPE: 6.0.1: return-path processing was broken.
- Bug Fix: TLS: 6.0c2: additional checks were incorrectly applied to SSLv3 connections.
6.0.1 30-Dec-2012
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Dec-2011.
- Pronto: Pronto! Version 6.0.1 is included.
- Pronto Mobile: Pronto! for Android 1.8 is released.
- Dialogs: call expiration is set only when both sides have indicated support for a session expiration timer.
- PBXApp: the MuteMixer procedure is extended to implement "whisper" services.
- IMAP: the initial prompt contains the incoming domain name now.
- SMTP: the input prompts contain the incoming domain name now.
- SMTP: the HELO name now contains the secondary domain name for domains with assigned IP addresses.
- POP: the POP Login Limit Account setting is implemented.
- Kernel: E-mails submitted internally always contain the submitter domain name now.
- XIMSS: the "cookie" listDirectory attribute is documented.
- PBXApp: the Call-Info header in provision responses for StartBridgedCall() is copied to the ingress response.
- FTP: the Use Fixed Active Port option is implemented.
- Statistics: the global network elements (total TCP and UDP data elements) are implemented.
- CG/PL: the Convert function now supports "nonce" operations.
- Bug Fix: ACAP: 6.0c2: the initial greeting was not sent till the first command was received.
6.0 14-Dec-2012
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Dec-2011.
- Pronto: Pronto! Version 6.0 is included.
- Pronto Mobile: Pronto! for Android 1.7 is released.
- HTTP: the "Access" setting is implemented for sub-protocols (AirSync, DAV, XIMSS, WebUser).
- DOMAINS: the former SMTP Relay setting is re-used as the Use IP for Outgoing Connections setting.
- DOMAINS: incoming and outgoing call statistics elements have been added.
- Foundation: String object representations can include \u'xxxx' symbol combinations (hexadecimal Unicode characters).
- Foundation: JSON strings now represent control characters as \u00nn symbol combinations.
- MediaProxy: several create/destroy operations can be executed concurrently now.
- MediaProxy: the "media idle" time is calculated separately for each direction, RTCP packets do not reset the idle time counter now.
- Dialogs: when a dialog object detects an "idle timeout" condition, it sends BYE requests to both call sides.
- PBXApp: the PlayTone procedure is implemented.
- PBXApp: the PlayFileInLoop and PlayInLoop procedures are deprecated.
- Kernel: the --lockLockFile command line option is implemented.
- Bug Fix: XMPP: 6.0c3: WebAdmin displayed the "illegal parameter value" error if the Use Domain IP Address option was not selected.
- Bug Fix: Groupware: 6.0c2: some "Real Names" parameters in "Contact Groups" could not be read.
6.0c3 02-Dec-2012
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Dec-2011.
- MAPI: the new "SYNC"-type version has been implemented (beta).
- Pronto: Pronto! Version 6.0c3 is included.
- Foundation: Number objects can be represented as decimal, hexadecimal, octal, or binary numbers.
- HTTP: the Compress If Larger option (response gzip-compression) is implemented.
- Kernel: source IP address selection for outgoing connections supports IPv6 targets now.
- Skins: the javascript and css files are deflated on load (comments and excessive space symbols removed).
- TLS: TLS v1.1 (RFC4346) is implemented.
- TLS: the TLS CRC Ciphers option has been changed into CRC Ciphers for old TLS, CRC Ciphers are always supported for TLS v1.1 and higher.
- XIMSS: the spellerCheck command now supports the "mode" attribute.
- WSSP: the ServerVersion() function is implemented.
- CG/PL: the SystemInfo function is implemented.
- CLI: the GETSYSTEMINFO command is implemented.
- Media: RFC5761 (Multiplexed RTCP) is implemented.
- Media: RFC3605 (RTCP attribute) is implemented.
- XIMSS: the sdpText element can be used instead of the sdp XML element.
- AIRSYNC: initial support for Outlook 2013 has been implemented.
- AIRSYNC: Sync command for protocol version 14.0 is supported.
- AIRSYNC: the Search command for the message store is implemented.
- AIRSYNC: the "Flagged" message flag is supported now.
- HELPERS: if the server is started with the --dropRoot flag, the Helper applications are not started till the root privilege is dropped.
- DOMAINS: the SMTP Relay setting is removed.
- SIP: if a request has been authenticated, "unknown account"-type errors do not result in "banning" of the client IP address.
- Bug Fix: MAILBOX: 6.0c1: appending messages to Sliced Mailboxes could crash the server.
6.0c2 07-Oct-2012
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2011.
- Pronto: Pronto! Version 6.0c2 is included.
- CLUSTER: the "Admin Connections" setting has been removed.
- CLUSTER: the Dynamic Cluster administrative processing has been reimplemented.
- CLUSTER: support for Software Load Balancers is implemented.
- CLUSTER: Linux Software Load Balancer Helper (based on "IPVS" kernel balancer) is implemented.
- CLUSTER: static cluster processing has been redesigned.
- NETWORK: port allocation mechanism has been redesigned.
- XIMSS: the SDP data element now can contain crypto sub-elements.
- XIMSS: the "messageCopy" operation now supports the "decrypt" attribute.
- WebUser: the mailbox sorting mechanism has been improved.
- WebUser: the "Redirect/SRedirect" mechanism now uses "nonces" to prevent "HTTP redirection server" abuses.
- WebUser: the Edit Event/Edit Task operations now preserve the original item UID.
- WebAdmin: the Proxy configuration settings have been moved to the "NAT" page.
- GROUPWARE: multiple VALARM elements per VEVENT object are supported now.
- MEDIA: the rtp/avpf and rtp/savpf protocols are recognized now.
- CG/PL: the "var" definitions allow initial value assignments.
- CG/PL: the "for-loop" can now use a "var" declaration as its "initializer operator".
- CG/PL: all loop operator sequences between the exitif operators, and the exitif operators themselves now belong to one single "operator block".
- CG/PL: DNR operations have been added to the Convert function.
- CLI: the LISTACCOUNTSESSIONS command is implemented.
- XMPP: the full dialback receiver functionality is implemented.
- XMPP: the Source IP Address settings are implemented.
- ACCOUNT: when Account service files (.settings, .info) are deleted, the shadow ".temp" copies are deleted, too.
- TLS: the CRC Ciphers setting is implemented.
- Bug fix: WebUser: real names in To/Cc addresses might be encoded incorrectly for Reply and Reply All operations.
6.0c1 20-Jul-2012
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Jul-2011.
- Pronto: Pronto! v.3 has been discontinued.
- Kernel: the PacketCable 2.0 Lawful Intercept protocol is implemented.
- Kernel: the iso-2022-jp-1, iso-2022-jp-2 (RFC1554), iso-2022-jp-3 encodings are supported now.
- Kernel: the GB18030 encoding is supported now.
- Foundation: now C-style (/*...*/) comments are supported in object textual presentations.
- ACCOUNT: the Minimal Password Length and Password Complexity settings have been implemented.
- ACCOUNT: default Class of Service settings are implemented.
- MAILBOX: the Sliced Mailbox format is implemented.
- MAILBOX: the Erase Deleted Messages Account Setting is implemented.
- EXTMAILBOX: the AirSync "provisioning required" responses are supported now.
- QUEUE: message queue management for LIST, LOCAL, PIPE, SMTP modules has been improved.
- SMTP: recovery after a failed STARTTLS operation has been improved.
- SIGNAL: when an IM request is directed to a resource, and that resource has been disconnected, the IM is delivered to all connected resources.
- MediaServer: SRTP support (encrypted media, RFC3711, RFC4568) is implemented.
- SIP: the TCPPing workaround is implemented.
- XIMSS: the SMIMEGet and SMIMESet operations are implemented; the Private Key and Certificate data can be exported now.
- XMPP: failed message delivery reports are relayed to external senders.
- SMPP: all types of incoming message UDH are supported now.
- SMPP: multi-part messages received in a Cluster are reassembled on the Controller now.
- PBXApp: the TimerB, P-Billing-Id, Relay, Via, No100rel StartCall() parameters are documented.
- PBXApp: the ProvisionCallEx function is implemented, the SetProvisionCode procedure is deprecated.
- PBXApp: the "allowedAudioCodecs", "allowedVideoCodecs", "encryptMedia" call parameters are implemented.
- PBX: the "gatewaycaller" and "gatewayincoming" applications remove video media and non-PCMU audio codecs from SDP sent to PSTN gateways.
- WebUser: E-mail headers are displayed for non-PUBLISH Event and Task messages.
- CardDAV: the GET method is implemented.
- CLUSTER: the Backend LDAP port setting is implemented.
- C-style (/*...*/) comments are supported in object textual presentations.
- Number objects can be represented as decimal, hexadecimail, octal, or binary numbers.
- String object representations can include \u'xxxx' symbol combinations (hexadecimal Unicode characters).
- JSON strings now represent control characters as \u00nn symbol combinations.
- raw Unicode strings in certificate names are supported now.
- the PacketCable 2.0 Lawful Intercept protocol is implemented.
- the iso-2022-jp-1, iso-2022-jp-2 (RFC1554), iso-2022-jp-3 encodings are supported now.
- the GB18030 encoding is supported now.
- source IP address selection for outgoing connections supports IPv6 targets now.
- the --lockLockFile command line option is implemented.
- HTTP, SIP "Server" header fields are customizable now.
- E-mails submitted internally always contain the submitter domain name now.
- RFC2231 processing has been improved.
- additional filtering of composed XML data is implemented.
- the SMTP Relay setting is re-used as the Use IP for Outgoing Connections setting.
- incoming and outgoing call statistics elements have been added.
- the Minimal Password Length and Password Complexity settings have been implemented.
- default Class of Service settings are implemented.
- when Account service files (.settings, .info) are deleted, the shadow ".temp" copies are deleted, too.
- OS-prohibited ASCII symbols in file names are encoded now.
- the Sliced Mailbox format is implemented.
- the Erase Deleted Messages Account Setting is implemented.
- the "delete folder only" operation is implemented.
External Mailbox
- the AirSync "provisioning required" responses are supported now.
- port allocation mechanism has been redesigned.
- the predefined LAN IP addresses now include only the network in the 10/8, 172.16/12, 192.16/16 ranges.
- the Backend LDAP port setting is implemented.
- the "Admin Connections" setting has been removed.
- the Dynamic Cluster administrative processing has been reimplemented.
- support for Software Load Balancers is implemented.
- Linux Software Load Balancer Helper (based on "IPVS" kernel balancer) is implemented.
- static cluster processing has been redesigned.
- message queue management for LIST, LOCAL, PIPE, SMTP modules has been improved.
- the Accept Reply action is implemented.
- when an IM request is directed to a resource, and that resource has been disconnected, the IM is delivered to all connected resources.
- multiple VALARM elements per VEVENT object are supported now.
- new server-side libraries have been added.
- initial support for Outlook 2013 has been implemented.
- Sync command for protocol version 14.0 is supported.
- the Search command for the message store is implemented.
- the "Flagged" message flag is supported now.
- message bodies are retrieved in the original HTML format for 12.0 and newer clients.
- support for Windows Phone 8 has been implemented.
- html-embedded objects from "related" MIME parts are reported to clients now.
- application/vnd.ms-sync.multipart responses are implemented.
- calendar delegation is implemented.
- Task-type mailbox creation and retrieval is supported now.
- mailbox deletion is implemented.
- the GET method is implemented.
- mailbox deletion is implemented.
- reading (GET/HEAD) the Account root directory returns an empty file instead of the 404 error (CyberDuck client compatibility).
- the TimerB, P-Billing-Id, Relay, Via, No100rel StartCall() parameters are documented.
- the ProvisionCall function is extended.
- the PlayTone procedure is implemented.
- the PlayFileInLoop and PlayInLoop procedures are deprecated.
- the "allowedAudioCodecs", "allowedVideoCodecs", "encryptMedia" call parameters are implemented.
- the MuteMixer procedure is extended to implement "whisper" services.
- the Call-Info header in provision responses for StartBridgedCall() is copied to the ingress response.
- the SetForeignCredentials, SetProvisionCode, DisconnectEx, SetReferMode, SetTransferReportMode, SetBridgeBreakMode, SetBridgedProvision procedures are deprecated.
- the new MediaOption function replaces the MediaChannelOption function.
- the SignalOption function is implemented.
- media encryption is enabled by default.
- several create/destroy operations can be executed concurrently now.
- the "media idle" time is calculated separately for each direction, RTCP packets do not reset the idle time counter now.
- the ICE attributes are removed from the modified SDP data.
- the ICE protocol is supported now.
- STUN packet processing is implemented.
- SRTP support (encrypted media, RFC3711, RFC4568) is implemented.
- the rtp/avpf and rtp/savpf protocols are recognized now.
- RFC5761 (Multiplexed RTCP) is implemented.
- RFC3605 (RTCP attribute) is implemented.
- the ICE protocol is supported now.
- STUN packet processing is implemented.
- the "mixMOH" option is implemented.
- when a dialog object detects an "idle timeout" condition, it sends BYE requests to both call sides.
- call expiration is set only when both sides have indicated support for a session expiration timer.
- the Compress If Larger option (response gzip-compression) is implemented.
- the "Access" setting is implemented for sub-protocols (AirSync, DAV, XIMSS, WebUser).
- RFC5785 is implemented.
- RFC6585 is implemented.
- the "principal" data processing is improved.
- the "expand-property" REPORTs are implemented.
- the TCPPing workaround is implemented.
- if a request has been authenticated, "unknown account"-type errors do not result in "banning" of the client IP address.
- recovery after a failed STARTTLS operation has been improved.
- the input prompts contain the incoming domain name now.
- the HELO name now contains the secondary domain name for domains with assigned IP addresses.
- the Default IPv6 Source Address setting is implemented.
- the initial prompt contains the incoming domain name now.
- the POP Login Limit Account setting is implemented.
- the Default IPv6 Source Address setting is implemented.
- failed message delivery reports are relayed to external senders.
- the full dialback receiver functionality is implemented.
- the Source IP Address settings are implemented.
- multiple validated domains per incoming connection are supported now.
- the Default IPv6 Source Address setting is implemented.
- all types of incoming message UDH are supported now.
- multi-part messages received in a Cluster are reassembled on the Controller now.
- the Use Fixed Active Port option is implemented.
- the Proxy configuration settings have been moved to the "NAT" page.
- the startup options are displayed on the Settings->General->Info page.
- E-mail headers are displayed for non-PUBLISH Event and Task messages.
- the mailbox sorting mechanism has been improved.
- the "Redirect/SRedirect" mechanism now uses "nonces" to prevent "HTTP redirection server" abuses.
- the Edit Event/Edit Task operations now preserve the original item UID.
- "style"-data filtering has been improved.
- the SMIMEGet and SMIMESet operations are implemented; the Private Key and Certificate data can be exported now.
- the SDP data element now can contain crypto sub-elements.
- the "messageCopy" operation now supports the "decrypt" attribute.
- the spellerCheck command now supports the "mode" attribute.
- the sdpText element can be used instead of the sdp XML element.
- the "cookie" listDirectory attribute is documented.
- callConnected, callDisconnected, callProvisioned, callIncoming messages now contain the callId attribute.
- the contactFind "fuzzy" search is imporved, the returned data message attributes are extended.
- the LISTACCOUNTSESSIONS command is implemented.
- the GETSYSTEMINFO command is implemented.
- the SETACCOUNTPASSWORD command checks the password size and complexity restrictions only if the CHECK keyword is used.
- the GETLOGSETTINGS, UPDATELOGSETTINGS commands are implemented.
- the GETDNRSETTINGS, SETDNRSETTINGS commands are implemented.
- the javascript and css files are deflated on load (comments and excessive space symbols removed).
- the ServerVersion() function is implemented.
- the "var" definitions allow initial value assignments.
- the "for-loop" can now use a "var" declaration as its "initializer operator".
- all loop operator sequences between the exitif operators, and the exitif operators themselves now belong to one single "operator block".
- DNR operations have been added to the Convert function.
- the SystemInfo function is implemented.
- the Convert function now supports "nonce" operations.
- the CRC Ciphers setting is implemented.
- TLS v1.1 (RFC4346) is implemented.
- the CRC Ciphers option has been changed into CRC Ciphers for old TLS, CRC Ciphers are always supported for TLS v1.1 and higher.
- TLS v1.2 (RFC5246) is implemented.
- Maximum Fragment Length Negotiation extension (RFC4366) is implemented.
- ciphers offered for outgoing connections have been reodered.
- the CA chain sent with the server certificate is processed now.
- the global network elements (total TCP and UDP data elements) are implemented.
- sent Trigger IMs are pre-authorized using the postmaster Account.
- if the server is started with the --dropRoot flag, the Helper applications are not started till the root privilege is dropped.
- the "gatewaycaller" and "gatewayincoming" applications remove video media and non-PCMU audio codecs from SDP sent to PSTN gateways.
CommuniGate® Pro Guide. Copyright © 1998-2018, Stalker Software, Inc.