Version 6.2 |
Migrating to CommuniGate Pro
If your system was already running some type of E-mail server, you may want to
integrate your existing E-mail environment into the CommuniGate Pro messaging system.
To migrate all your users, you need:
- to create all existing mail accounts on your new CommuniGate Pro Server, using already
specified account settings, especially - account passwords
- to migrate all user E-mail from the old server to the new CommuniGate Pro Server
- provide services for "local users" - the users of "local" (Unix) mail programs that
directly access their mailbox files, bypassing E-mail protocols (such as the POP or IMAP protocols).
Users that access their mail accounts using any standard Internet Protocol (POP, IMAP)
do not have to switch their mailer applications or change mailer settings - CommuniGate Pro supports
not only the published mail access protocols standards, but most of unofficial protocol extensions, too.
Some users registered with the server OS may access their mail accounts using legacy
mailer applications that read mailbox files directly. Since these mailers bypass Internet
protocols, the CommuniGate Pro server has no control over those mailers.
The CommuniGate Pro Server keeps all user Accounts and Mailboxes inside its
"base directory". On a properly configured system direct user access to the base
directory is prohibited to ensure that Account Mailboxes and other Server files stay intact.
When you create a CommuniGate Pro Account for a local user who needs
mail access via legacy mailers, select the Legacy INBOX
option. In this case, the INBOX Mailbox will not be created inside the CommuniGate Pro
base directory. Instead, the INBOX Mailbox location will be taken from the Domain settings.
Usually, you specify /var/mail/* or /var/spool/mail/* - the "standard"
location where legacy mailers expect to see user Mailboxes.
When the Server accesses these Legacy Mailboxes, it uses the OS file-locking
mechanism to synchronize its activity with legacy mailers.
Note: legacy mailers were not designed to support simultaneous access to mailboxes. They
can destroy data in your mailbox if you open two legacy mailer sessions with the same mailbox
and delete messages in one of the sessions. CommuniGate Pro cannot fix this, since these mailers bypass the server,
it can only guarantee (using file locks) that legacy mailers do not destroy a mailbox while CommuniGate Pro is working with it.
For more details, see the Mailboxes section.
The default format for CommuniGate Pro Mailboxes is the BSD-type text mailbox format:
a Mailbox is a text file with messages separated with an empty line and a line starting
with the symbols From .
Since most legacy mail systems use this format, the existing mailbox files can be used when
migrating to CommuniGate Pro. You should either copy the old mailbox files into the proper
places in the CommuniGate Pro Account directories, or you can specify that some Accounts
have Legacy INBOXes (see above), and the old mailbox files will be used "in place".
Note: when CommuniGate Pro stores a message in a BSD-type Mailbox, it adds additional
fields to the separator (From) line. These fields are ignored by legacy mailers and
mail servers, but they allow the CommuniGate Pro Server to keep the message status and unique message
ID information. When you make your CommuniGate Pro Server use a BSD-type mailbox file composed with
an old mail system, it issues warnings (Log records) about missing fields in the message separators.
The Server still opens such mailboxes: it creates empty status flag sets for such messages,
and it generates unique IDs on-fly. As users read, move, and/or delete old mail from their mailboxes, messages
stored with the old mail system disappear, and the Server stops complaining when opening these mailbox files.
If your old mail server authenticated clients are using the Unix OS account and passwords
(the passwd and shadow files), you can simply enable the
Use OS Password option for those accounts and the CommuniGate
Pro Server will use the OS authentication procedures for them.
Since the OS Passwords are one-way encrypted, they cannot be used for secure
SASL authentication methods. The following procedure can be used to allow migrated
users to employ the secure SASL methods:
- enable the Use OS Password option either in the Default Account Settings or in the Account Template.
- specify an empty string for the CommuniGate Password in the Account Template.
- import all accounts without the Password field.
Users can connect to the newly created accounts using their old OS Passwords - i.e. the
same passwords they used with the legacy mail system. When users try to modify their
account passwords, the new passwords will be stored as CommuniGate Passwords. All
users that have updated their passwords will be able to use the secure SASL authentication methods.
Sometimes you cannot use this method. For example, you migrate users from a
different server, and you do not register them all with the Unix OS on the new server,
but you do have the passwd file from the old server. In this case, you may
want to enter the Unix-style (crypt-encrypted) passwords as the CommuniGate
(internal) Passwords.
To make the CommuniGate Pro server process its internal password string as a
U-crpt (crypt-encrypted) or other support encrypted password (see below),
store the password in the Account Settings
with one-byte binary 002 prefix. If you want to create a user test using the
CLI interface, and the Unix (crypt-encrypted) password
for that user is AslUzT1JkPsocc, then use the following CLI command:
createaccount "test" {Password="\002AslUzT1JkPsocc";}
If you create users by importing
an account list from a text file, place the Unix passwords strings into the
UnixPassword column, not into the Password column. In this case, the
Loader will automatically add the binary 002 prefix to all password strings.
If you create users using the LDAP Provisioning
feature, specify the encrypted password as the unixPassword attribute.
Account Settings of the new accounts should specify one of the CommuniGate Pro
password encryption methods (clear text or A-crpt). Users will be able to log in using
their old Unix/encrypted passwords. When they update their passwords, new CommuniGate Password
strings will be stored using the specified CommuniGate Pro password encryption method.
All users that have updated their passwords will be able to use the secure SASL
authentication methods.
Some servers produced by the Netscape and Software.com companies store user passwords
using several encryption methods. When passwords are retrieved from those servers, they
have the following form:
where method specifies one of the standard encryption methods, and the eNcoDeD string
is an encrypted password (sometime - Base64-encoded).
CommuniGate Pro can use these passwords in the same way it uses the Unix-encrypted
passwords, and they should be entered in the same way: you should use the binary 002 prefix
in the CLI commands and/or you should place those passwords into the UnixPassword
field of the Account Import file.
The following encryption methods are supported:
- {crypt} - the standard Unix crypt method.
- {WM-CRY} - the standard Unix crypt method (same as {crypt}).
- {MD5} - the MD5 digesting method (Base-64 encoded MD5 digest of the password string).
- {SHA} - the SHA1 digesting method (Base-64 encoded SHA1 digest of the password string).
- {NS-MTA-MD5} - the MD5-based method used in the Post.Office servers and old
Netscape Messaging Servers (the eNcoDeD portion contains 64 hexadecimal digits).
- {SSHA} - the "salted SHA1" digesting method (Base-64 encoded SHA1 digest of the password and salt strings, followed with the salt bytes).
This method is used in the Sun Directory Server application.
- {LANM} - the "LAN Manager" hash used in Microsoft Windows servers (the eNcoDeD portion contains 32 hexadecimal digits).
- {MSNT} - the "Microsoft NT" hash used in Microsoft Windows servers (the eNcoDeD portion contains 32 hexadecimal digits).
- $1$ - MD5-based password hash used in FreeBSD and some other Unix systems.
- $2a$ - BlowFish-based password hash used in OpenBSD and some other Unix systems.
The following is a sample Import file:
Name | UnixPassword | Password Type |
user1 | YIdhkjeHDKbYsji | Unix-crypt |
user2 | {SHA}Ue4Erbim2TC7CmuukMOBejeytr2= | SHA1-digested |
user3 | {MD5}zverMUhsgJUIDjeytr2= | MD5-digested |
user4 | {crypt}YIdhkjeHDKbYsji | Unix-crypt, same as for the user1 account |
user5 | $1$VlPrB$vNjOAytB3W.j0bkkbaN2Z. | BSD-type MD5-encrypted |
You can use a CommuniGate Pro CLI script to automatically import all users and their
passwords from the OS /etc/passwd file. See the CommuniGate
Perl Interface site for a sample script.
If you are migrating from a
sendmail-based mail system, you may find the following information useful:
- The aliases file
- The sendmail aliases file allows the administrator to redirect local mail to one or several addresses.
Sendmail uses the term "alias" for too many different things, so you should select the proper
CommuniGate Pro feature to implement different types of sendmail "aliases":
- Each account can have one or several aliases. Mail sent to any Account Alias name is
routed to the Account itself. If the domain.dom Account john.smith has j.smith and smith aliases,
mail sent to j.smith@domain.dom and smith@domain.dom addresses is delivered to the
john.smith@domain.dom Account. When an Account is renamed, its Aliases automatically start to
point to the new name, and when an Account is removed, all its Aliases are removed, too.
- Domain Forwarder objects allow you to redirect mail sent to a Domain address
to any other address. The domain.dom Forwarder susan.smith can reroute all mail sent to
susan.smith@domain.dom address to the susan@otherisp.dom address.
- Domain Group objects allow you to redirect mail sent to some Domain address to any set of addresses.
- The Router module allows you to redirect mail sent to a certain
address to any other address. The Router Alias Record <*.smith@domain.dom> = Smith@domain.dom
will reroute mail sent to john.smith@domain.dom and to susan.smith@domain.dom to the
Smith@domain.dom address.
- The Account Rules allow the administrator and/or the users themselves
to redirect/forward/mirror all or certain mail to one or several addresses.
- The Server-Wide Rules allow the administrator to
redirect/forward/mirror all or certain mail to one or several addresses.
- The shared or Foreign Mailboxes feature allows a user to grant
access to a Mailbox to other users; in many cases a shared Mailbox is a much better alternative to mail distribution.
- The LIST module provides a very powerful mailing list distribution mechanism.
- procmail processing
- The Server-Wide, Domain-Wide, and Account-Level Automated Rules allow
administrators and users to perform automatic mail processing and filtering using the powerful
condition checking and processing operations built into the CommuniGate Pro Server.
For the situations where messages should be processed using an external filter or processor,
the Execute Automated Rules operation can be used to start the specified external
program as a separate OS task (for example, the Rules can be used to process all or certain
incoming messages with the same procmail program).
The Post.Office product stores account names, passwords, and other
information in its account database. The special Post.Office Migration
Utility can be used to retrieve that information and to store it in a tab-delimited file
that can be used with the CommuniGate Pro WebAdmin Account Import function.
The List Migration script allows you to
copy mailing lists and their subscriber sets from Post.Office to CommuniGate Pro.
The Netscape (iPlanet) Messaging server stores account names, passwords, and other
information in a Directory server "subtree". Use regular LDAP tools to export the Directory
subtree into an LDIF file. The special Netscape Migration
Script can be used to convert the account information from the LDIF format into a tab-delimited file
that can be used with the CommuniGate Pro WebAdmin Account Import function.
The IMail product stores account names, passwords, and other
information in its account database. The special IMail Migration
Utility can be used to retrieve that information and to store it in a tab-delimited file
that can be used with the CommuniGate Pro WebAdmin Account Import function.
If you want to move your users from a CommuniGate for MacOS server, you can build the account list file using the
CommuniGate/MacOS extractor utility.
If you want to move your users from a Stalker Internet Mail Server (SIMS),
you can build the account list file using the
SIMS extractor utility.
The special Exchange Migration Utility allows you to retrieve
user lists from an Exchange server and to create those users in CommuniGate Pro Domains. The utility copies all user
folder data (mail, calendaring, contacts, etc.) converting data and address formats "on-the-fly".
The utility also extracts the Exchange Global Address Book and converts it into an LDIF file that can be imported into
the CommuniGate Pro Directory.
The utility requires an MS Windows workstation to run.
When migrating from other mail servers, you may want to copy all messages from
an account on the old server to the already created account on the new server.
The CommuniGate Pro software package includes the MovePOPMail program. This
program connects to the old POP server, logs in, retrieves all messages, and submits it to the new SMTP server:
- MovePOPMail [--verbose] [--delete] [--notimeout] POPserver POPname POPpassword SMTPserver SMTPrecipient
- POPserver
- The IP address of the old (source) POP3 server; if that POP server operates on a non-standard
TCP port, you can specify the port number using the colon symbol: - POP server
at the address, port 111.
- POPname
- The POP account name - i.e. the name of the source account on the POP server.
- POPpassword
- The POP account password.
- SMTPserver
- The IP address of the new (target) SMTP server; if that SMTP server operates on a non-standard
TCP port, you can specify the port number using the colon symbol: - SMTP server
at the address, port 26.
- SMTPrecipient
- The address to send the retrieved messages to. Usually - the account name on the new server.
- --verbose
- An optional parameter. When specified, the progress information is sent to the standard output.
- --delete
- An optional parameter. When specified, the program deletes all retrieved messages from the POP account.
- --notimeout
- An optional parameter. When specified, the program increases the SMTP and POP operation time-out values from
20 seconds to 1 hour.
MovePOPMail --verbose john "jps#dhj" john
When migrating from other mail servers, you may want to copy all mailboxes and all messages from
an account on the old server to the already created account on the new server.
The CommuniGate Pro software package includes the MoveIMAPMail program. This
program connects to the old and new IMAP servers, logs into both, retrieves the list of
mailboxes in the old account, creates all missing mailboxes in the new account, and copies
all messages from mailboxes in the old account to the mailboxes in the new account.
The program also copies the list of "subscribed mailboxes", and the mailbox ACLs (if supported).
- MoveIMAPMail [flags] OldServer oldName oldPassword NewServer newName newPassword
- oldServer
- The IP address of the old (source) IMAP4 server; if that IMAP server operates on a non-standard
TCP port, you can specify the port number using the colon symbol: - IMAP server
at the address, port 144.
- oldName, oldPassword
- Strings to use when logging into the source IMAP server.
- newServer
- The IP address of the new (target) IMAP4 server; if that IMAP server operates on a non-standard
TCP port, you can specify the port number using the colon symbol: - IMAP server
at the address, port 145.
- newName, newPassword
- Strings to use when logging into the target IMAP server.
Flags is zero, one or several optional parameters:
- --verbose
- An optional parameter. When specified, the progress information is sent to the standard output.
- --list search
- An optional parameter. When specified, the following search string is used to find
all mailboxes in the source account. Some IMAP servers show the entire user directory or even
system directory if the default search string "*" is used. Consult with your old IMAP
server manual to learn the search string to use.
- --source prefix
- An optional parameter. When specified, the following prefix string is used as the first
parameter of the "LIST" command (see above). If the mailbox names produced with the LIST command
start with the specified prefix, the prefix is removed from the name when the mailbox is created on
the target server.
This feature allows you to copy a subtree of the source account mailbox tree into the "top" level
of the target account mailbox tree. If the source account contains mailboxes abc/mail1 and
abc/mail2, then --source abc/ parameter can be used to copy just these 2 mailboxes and to
create them as "mail1" and "mail2" mailboxes in the target account.
If the source server is CommuniGate Pro, this parameter can be used to copy all mailboxes from
any account, using the postmaster name and password: --source '~username'/
See the --target option below.
- --target prefix
- An optional parameter. When specified, the following prefix string is appended to all
mailbox names sent to the target server. For example, if the target server is CommuniGate Pro,
you can specify the postmaster credentials in the parameters (instead of the username credentials),
and use the
--target '~username/'
parameter to copy mailboxes to the username account. This
can be useful when you do not know the username account password.
- --skipMailbox mailboxName
- An optional parameter. When specified, the mailboxName mailbox is not copied.
This parameter can be specified more than once, to exclude several mailboxes.
- --notimeout
- An optional parameter. When specified, the program increases the IMAP operation time-out value from
20 seconds to 1 hour. You may want to specify this option when your copy mail from slow servers.
- --delete
- An optional parameter. When specified, the program deletes the retrieved
messages from the source account.
- --nosubscription
- An optional parameter. When specified, the program does not copy the mailbox
subscription list to the target account.
- --subscribed
- An optional parameter. When specified, the program copies only
those mailboxes that are listed in the source account mailbox subscription list.
- --fetchRFC822
- An optional parameter. When specified, the program uses the RFC822.PEEK attribute instead
of the BODY.PEEK[] attribute when it sends IMAP FETCH commands to the source server. Use this
attribute when the source server is too old and does not support the BODY.PEEK[] FETCH attribute.
- --byOne
- An optional parameter. When specified, the program fetches messages from the source IMAP
mailbox one by one; otherwise it fetches all messages at once. Use this parameter when the
source server fails to retrieve all mailbox messages with a single FETCH command.
- --noACL
- An optional parameter.When specified, the program does not copy
the mailbox ACL (access control lists) to the target account.
- --copyMailboxClass
- An optional parameter. Can be specified if both source and target servers
are CommuniGate Pro servers. When specified, the program copies the mailbox classes
("calendar", "contacts", etc.)
- --fixLongLines number
- An optional parameter. Can be specified if the source server has messages with extremely
long text lines. These lines will be separated into several lines
so no message line in a target server mailbox is longer than number bytes.
- --proxyAuth username
- An optional parameter. When specified, the 'PROXYAUTH username' command is used with the source IMAP server.
Use this command to login to the source server as admin to retrieve mail from an account whose password you do not know,
if your source server supports the PROXYAUTH IMAP command.
- --renameMailbox oldMailboxName newMailboxName
- An optional parameter. When specified, the oldMailboxName mailbox name in the source account is
automatically translated into newMailboxName name in the target account.
This parameter can be specified more than once, to rename several mailboxes.
- --renameMailboxList file.txt
- An optional parameter. When specified, a list of mailboxes renaming pairs is read from the specified text file.
Each file line should contain pairs of an old and new mailbox names separated with the tabulation symbol.
When a source account mailbox has a name listed as an "old" name in the file, the mailbox messages are copied
into the target account mailbox with the name specified as "new" on the same file line.
- --filter [before | after ] "dd-mmm-yyyy[ hh:mm:ss]"
- An optional parameter. When specified, the program copies only messages with the INTERNALDATE before or after the specified date.
The hh:mm:ss part is optional, if it is not specified 00:00:00 is assumed.
MoveIMAPMail --list "Mail/*" john "jps#dhj" johnNew dummy
Note: if a mailbox name in the source account ends with symbols .mbox or .mdir,
the mailbox name in the target account will end with the -mbox or -mdir symbols.
Note: if a mailbox name in the source account starts with the symbol . or ~,
the mailbox name in the target account will start with the _ symbol.
Leading and trailing spaces, the \ and # symbols in the source account mailbox names
are replaced with the _ symbols when the target account mailbox names are composed.
After you have created the accounts on your new CommuniGate Pro Server, you may want
to copy mail from all mailboxes on the old server to the accounts on the new server.
The CommuniGate Pro software package includes the MoveAccounts program. This
program uses a tab-delimited text file that contains account names and passwords. It can be
the same file you have used to Import Accounts to a
CommuniGate Pro domain.
The program scans the file and uses either the MovePOPMail
or the MoveIMAPMail program to move messages for each account.
These programs should be located in your current directory.
- MoveAccounts [--POP | --IMAP] file sourceServer targetServer [suppl_parameters]
- --POP, --IMAP
- Parameters that specify whether MovePOPMail or MoveIMAPMail program
should be used. If none is specified, the MovePOPMail program is used.
- file
- The name of a tab-delimited file that contains account names and passwords.
- sourceServer
- The IP address of the old (source) server (POP or IMAP); can include the port number.
- targetServer
- The IP address of the new (target) server (SMTP or IMAP); can include the port number.
- suppl_parameters
- Optional parameters (such as --verbose, --delete, --notimeout, --list search, etc.)
passed to the MovePOPMail or MoveIMAPMail program.
The first line of the file should contain the data field names. The fields
with names Name and Password must be present.
If the field NewName
exists, it is used as the SMTPrecipient parameter when the MovePOPMail
program is started, or as the newName parameter for the MoveIMAPMail
program. Otherwise the same Name field data is used.
If the --IMAP parameter is specified, the program checks if the NewPassword
field exists. If it does, the data in that field is passed as the newPassword parameter to
the MoveIMAPMail program. Otherwise, the same Password field data is used.
All fields with other names are ignored.
The following is a sample AccountList file:
Name | Limit | Password |
john | 10K | j27ss#45 |
jim | 120K | dud-ee |
george | 31M | mia#hj! |
MoveAccounts --POP AccountList
If you cannot obtain the clear-text passwords for all accounts you want to copy,
and the old server is using the Unix
/etc/passwd or
/etc/shadow file, follow these steps:
- Find the OS file that contains the encrypted user passwords: /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow,
or /etc/master.passwd (see your OS documentation). We will refer to that file as /etc/shadow.
- Create a backup copy of the /etc/shadow file.
- Find the /etc/shadow record that contains information for your own account or any other account
you know the clear-text password for. Let us say that this known unencrypted OS account
password is mypassword, and the encrypted password you see in the /etc/shadow account record is FU3jjF/gkJJdA.
- Edit the /etc/shadow file so all account records will contain FU3jjF/gkJJdA in their encrypted
password fields.
- Open the CommuniGate Pro Default Account Settings page for the domain you are migrating.
Enable the Use OS Passwords option and check that the OS UserName option is set to *.
- Create the AccountList file that contains the account names in the Name field, and the
string mypassword in the Password field.
- Copy all account mailboxes from the old server to the new server using the MoveAccounts
command. The command will successfully log into both servers, since all accounts on both servers accept the
string mypassword as the account password.
- Restore the /etc/shadow from the backup copy.
- Disable the Use OS Password setting in the CommuniGate Pro Default Account Settings, if you do not
want to use OS Passwords for your CommuniGate Pro Accounts.
Use this alternative migration method when the password
switching method explained above cannot be used, and/or the user names and
passwords cannot be retrieved from the old server.
The method is based on the External Authentication
feature of the CommuniGate Pro server.
Download, install, and tailor the migration script,
and configure CommuniGate Pro to use this script as the CommuniGate Pro External Authentication program.
Create the target CommuniGate Pro Domain, and enable the Consult External for Unknown Domain settings.
Disable the Use CommuniGate Password option and enable the
Use External Password option in the Account Template.
When a user attempts to connect to a non-existent Account, or when CommuniGate Pro receives
a message for non-existent Account, the External Authentication script is called.
The script connects to the old server using the SMTP protocol and checks if the account with the
same name (same address) exists on the old server. If the old server does
not reject the address, the script creates the Account with this name in the CommuniGate Pro Domain.
Then the CommuniGate Pro Server delivers the message to this newly created Account.
When a user connects to the CommuniGate Pro Server, the user mailer sends the user name and the user password
in the plain text form. Because the CommuniGate Pro Account has the Use CommuniGate Password option
disabled, and the Use External Password option enabled, the External Authentication script is called.
The script connects to the old server using the POP or IMAP protocol and checks if it can log into
the old server with the provided user credentials.
If the old server accepts the specified password:
- the script uses the CommuniGate Pro CLI:
- to set the specified password as the CommuniGate Password for this Account,
- to switch off the Use External Password option for this Account,
- to switch on the Use CommuniGate Password option for this Account.
- the script starts the MoveIMAPMail or MovePOPMail programs to copy the account mailboxes from the old
server to the CommuniGate Pro server, or saves the name/password pairs into a text file which you can
later use with the MoveAccounts program (this is a configurable option).
After the first successful login, the correct password will
be set as the new CommuniGate Password, and all Account mail
will be copied from the old server.
After all old server users have successfully connected to the CommuniGate Pro
server at least once, all their Accounts will be created and have the correct CommuniGate Passwords set.
Then you can disable the External Authentication script and retire the old server.
Very often it is essential to switch to the new server without any interruption
in the services you provide.
If you install the new CommuniGate Pro server on the same system as the old mail server, you should:
- switch CommuniGate Pro SMTP receiving to port 26, so it will
not interfere with your old server SMTP activity.
- switch CommuniGate Pro POP service to port 111, and
IMAP service to port 144, so they will not interfere with your
old server POP/IMAP activity.
- Configure CommuniGate Pro and create Domain Aliases and/or full featured
Secondary Domains.
- Create some test accounts in the main and secondary domains and check that you can
log into those accounts using WebUser Interface.
- Check that you can send mail from those accounts using the WebUser Interface:
mail to other test accounts in the created domains and mail to other servers should be delivered correctly.
- If you have a POP or IMAP client that allows you to specify a non-standard port number,
check that you can log into the test accounts on the POP port 111 and IMAP port 144.
- Create tab-delimited file(s) with names, passwords, and other attributes of your
existing accounts and use the Account Import feature to
create all accounts on your new server.
All this can be done while your old server is still active.
Now, you should stop your old server activity by either changing its port numbers to
non-standard values, or by disconnecting it from the external network.
Use the AccountMove program to copy all messages from your old server to CommuniGate Pro.
When all messages are copied, change the CommuniGate Pro SMTP port number back to 25, POP
port number - to 110, and IMAP port number to 143. Now CommuniGate Pro will operate as your mail server, without any interruption in the services you provide.
You may want to keep the old server running for several hours - in case its queue contained
some delayed outgoing messages. Just check that the old server does not try to use the standard ports.
If you create several Secondary domains in CommuniGate Pro,
you may want to move accounts from your old server(s) to a Secondary CommuniGate Pro Domain, not to its Main Domain.
In this case, you should add the NewName field to your account list file, and copy all
names into that column, adding the @domainname string to each name.
If you use the IMAP protocol to move messages between the servers, you may use a
simpler method:
- If the target domain has an IP address assigned to that domain, use that address
in the mail copying programs: all non-qualified names provided on connections established
with that address are interpreted as names in that domain. See the Access
section for the details.
- If the target domain does not have an assigned IP address, temporarily assign the IP
address of the main domain to that secondary domain. Move the messages, and remove the IP
address from the list of addresses assigned to that domain.
CommuniGate® Pro Guide. Copyright © 1998-2018, Stalker Software, Inc.