Version 6.2 |
Pronto! Revision History
6.2.5 CommuniGate Pro 6.2.5
Pronto HTML
- Mail: warning/confirmation alert for slash characters in folder names.
- Calendar: the current month is selected by default for yearly recurrent events.
- Login: support for domain selection (optional) on the login page has been implemented.
- Bug Fix: Contacts: translation for 'Buddies' might be not used.
- Bug Fix: Mail: plain text signatures was used instead of HTML ones while forwarding messages in-line.
- Bug Fix: Mail: folders subscribed from delegate accounts might be listed incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: Calendar: yearly recurrent events were stored incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: Dialer: audio might be missing in some call scenarios involving Contact Center.
6.2.4 CommuniGate Pro 6.2.4
Pronto HTML
- Mail: fixed bug when "sign all" preference was still in effect with certificate removed.
- Mail: fixed bug when vacation message not available with allowed rules set to "none".
- Mail: The "Confirm reception" button was also shown in Sent items folder.
- Preferences: it was not possible to remove identities.
- Preferences: accounts could not be removed from the delegates list.
6.2.3 CommuniGate Pro 6.2.3
Pronto HTML
- General: session protection with cookies is enabled by default now.
- General: some glitches in UI have been fixed.
- Contacts: new UI elements were implemented to provide access to multiple address choices.
- Contacts: the thumbnailPhoto attribute is supported in directory-based address books now.
- Mail: support for encrypted mailboxes has been improved.
- Mail: the feedback sending function has been improved.
- Mail: now correspondents Cc addresses are shown when To addresses are missing.
- Mail: fixed the bug that prevented address drag-and-drop between To/Cc/Bcc fields.
- Mail: S/MIME signing is disabled by default when S/MIME certificate is removed.
- Files: fixed the bug when files from subscribed folders could not be removed.
6.2.2 CommuniGate Pro 6.2.2
Pronto HTML
- General: improved the UI security .
- General: folder size is shown on mouse roll-over.
- General: the initial support for encrypted folders has been implemented.
- Dialer: the initial support for WebRTC in Safari has been implemented.
- Dialer: hot camera plug/unplug is supported now.
- Contacts: the IMPP vCard attribute with custom IM address is supported now.
- Mail: now multi-mailbox search can find FLAGGED and UNREAD messages.
- Dialer: fixed problem with the GIPS plugin installation in IE browser.
- Dialer, IM: fixed bug with chats and calls not showing peer status.
- Mail: fixed bug with the "Subscribe" button missing from mails with invitation to shared folders.
- Mail: it was not possible to actually rename the INBOX folder.
- Mail: fixed the bug when email attachments could not be downloaded as archive with Files module disabled.
- Mail: bug fix: inline images size grew significantly when they were included in HTML message replies.
6.2.1 CommuniGate Pro 6.2.1
Pronto HTML
- General: sound customization preferences are implemented.
- General: hardened security of the interface against code injection attacks.
- Contacts: the presence state for items in Directory books is retrieved automatically.
- Mail: sorting preferences may be set individually for each folder now.
- Mail: the Junk flag set on messages is shown now.
- Mail: fixed the bug when images could not be inserted into plain text messages.
6.2 CommuniGate Pro 6.2.0
Pronto Flash
- General: minor bugs have been fixed.
Pronto HTML
- General: minor bugs have been fixed.
6.2c5 CommuniGate Pro 6.2c5
Pronto Flash
- General: fixed Problem with start of Air variant.
Pronto HTML
- General: fixed problems with modules dependencies.
- Mail: implemented defaults for "Notify When Delivered" and "Notify When Read" options.
- Mail: fixed bug with stuck Redirect window and multiple redirected copies.
- Mail: the selected sorting order is preserved now.
- Files: implemented preference for time to live for uploaded temp files.
- Files: fixed bug with incorrect folder structure reported in the inverted tree mode.
- Files: fixed the problem when a local file attached as a link multiple times resulted in broken links.
- Files: integration with OnlyOffice now use the language selected in account preferences.
- Contacts: fixed the bug when scrolling addresses list did not reveal new items.
- Calendar: fixed bugs with removing attachments in the Event preview panel.
- Calendar: fixed the bug with editing exceptions to recurring events.
- Calendar: fixed bug with removing an exception from a recurrent event: attendees were not notified.
6.2c4 CommuniGate Pro 6.2c4
Pronto Flash
- General: mailto: links did not handle escaped sequences like %XX.
- General: links might be not escaped as necessary.
- Mail: inline images might be not shown in print preview.
Pronto HTML
- New module: the Notes module has been implemented.
- General: improved security of the interface.
- General: added function to delegate account rights.
- General: several UI and usability bugs were fixed.
- General: the "organization unit" display field has been added to auto-complete results.
- General: "hidden popups" window might be shown for some short time right after login.
- General: the option to auto-logout idle session has been implemented.
- General: the option to stay signed in has been implemented.
- Calendar: calendars were not shown to users with the "lookup" access right.
- Calendar: tentative items can be distinguished from items with other status.
- Calendar: implemented function to forward calendar events as invitations.
- Calendar: fixed bug with Free/Busy data not shown for some user names.
- Calendar: fixed bug with attaching files to events.
- Contacts: the Note field now allows for multiple lines.
- Contacts: added preferences for Directory-based books.
- Contacts: contact records can be sorted now.
- Contacts: dataset-based address books can be selected now.
- IM: permanent chat groups have owner now and can be removed by the owner.
- IM: buddies presence might not be shown.
- IM: implemented the option to send files from account storage to chats.
- IM: the special "mobile" presence status is supported now.
- Mail: content of decrypted mail messages might be not shown properly.
- Mail: the support for multiple identities has been improved.
- Mail: the favorite mailboxes list might cause operational problems with original mailboxes.
- Mail: now it's possible to edit documents in OnlyOffice directly from message attachments.
- Mail: the "Copy All Mail to" simplified rule has been updated.
- Mail: fixed the problem when sorting could be applied only to the current page.
- Mail: fixed the bug with "null" text inserted in the case of an empty html signature.
- Mail: fixed bug with incorrect behavior on the "send response" hot key.
- Mail: fixed bug when new messages were added into wrong positions in a sorted list.
- Mail: fixed bug when a wrong positions was selected after message deletion.
- Files: the "save as" feature for OnlyOffice integration has been added.
- Files: some operation on files and folders were not possible if their parent folder was renamed.
- Files: fixed wrong behavior while co-editing documents with OnlyOffice.
- Signals: fixed bug with incorrect initialization for receiving incoming calls.
6.2c3 CommuniGate Pro 6.2c3
Pronto HTML
- Files: new faster method for large files uploading has been implemented.
- Mail: implemented option to recall messages silently.
- Mail: favorite folders are displayed in the folder list.
- Mail: context menus for message list management have been implemented.
- Contacts: the set of display fields for directory-based address books has been extended.
- Calendar: now it's possible to subscribe to external web calendars.
6.2c2 CommuniGate Pro 6.2c2
Pronto HTML
- General: fixed problem with login after failed login using URL parameters.
- IM: Added support permanent chat groups.
- IM: Implemented list of recent chats.
- IM: Implemented interface for custom roster groups.
- IM: Improved sorting of active chats for better usability.
- Contacts: fixed the problem with contact record duplication.
- Contacts: implemented option to request presence info on contacts that are not in the roster.
- Contacts: searching might fail.
- Contacts: for some roster items subscription request might be not shown.
- Contacts: public information on just added buddy might be not retrieved properly.
- Mail: added option to confirm sending of a message without a subject.
- Mail: implemented support for composing of reply messages in the HTML format.
- Mail: implemented support for signatures in HTML format.
- Mail: implemented the function to recall recently sent messages.
- Mail: the Favourites panel to access most used folders has been implemented.
- Mail: fixed exception while showing some HTML-formatted messages.
- Mail: composer might be not shown in the list view mode.
- Mail: multi-message operations have been improved.
- Mail: read receipts are properly generated now.
6.2c1 CommuniGate Pro 6.2c1
Pronto HTML
- General: Added support for the two-factor authentication.
- General: Added support for the forced password change.
CommuniGate® Pro Guide. Copyright © 1998-2018, Stalker Software, Inc.